Coulometry is the preferred method for trace-level determination of moisture content in liquid, solid, and gaseous matrices. It’s simple to use, results are available in less than three minutes, and as coulometry is an absolute method, a titer determination is not required.
Metrohm’s new OMNIS Coulometer offers maximum flexibility, with users having the ability to add other OMNIS Coulometer Modules. Additionally, by adding an OMNIS Dosing Module to the OMNIS Coulometer the risk of exposure to the KF reagent is eliminated, enabling the fully automated exchange of exhausted reagent.
Also launching is the OMNIS Sample Robot Oven for gas extraction. Gas extraction enables moisture determination in matrices that otherwise cannot be analysed directly in the titration cell. Metrohm’s OMNIS Sample Robot Oven can be fitted with two Oven Modules for maximum flexibility and increased performance. With this, a maximum of 100 samples can be analysed for moisture content completely unattended.
Learn more: HERE