Accurate process monitoring presents several challenges in the PAT world. The complexities of some chemical processes, non-uniformity in raw materials, variable operating conditions, and navigating hazardous environments all provide significant challenges. Traditional monitoring approaches frequently fail to adjust quickly to these changes, compromising overall efficiency and product quality. The resolution of such challenges is achieved through the innovative 2060 Raman Analyser from Metrohm Process Analytics, a product born out of the collaborative expertise of Metrohm Headquarters, Metrohm Process Analytics, and Metrohm Spectro Inc.
The 2060 Raman Analyser can measure up to five (5) sampling points hundreds of meters away and it has two embedded software products, the IMPACT software and the Vision software, which provide the greatest benefits out of your process analyser.
The 2060 Raman Analyser stands apart not only by its cutting-edge technology but also by its ease of use and installation. It is compatible with all Metrohm instruments, data, and spectrum libraries. This distinguishing feature guarantees that data transfer between laboratory and process, or between process and process settings is as simple as possible.
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