Anton Paar are pleased to announce the publishing a new method, . ISO 23581:2020, for the density and viscosity testing of middle distillate fuels, fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and blends of these.
Already accepted worldwide, the SVM viscometer range fully meets the requirements of ISO 23581. The SVM range features integral and rapid temperature control, minimal solvent usage, rapid sample throughput and high precision. In a compact and easy to operate package.
More about ISO 23581:2020, this document specifies a procedure for the determination of kinematic viscosity (ν) at 40 °C in the range from 2 mm2/s to 6 mm2/s by calculation from dynamic viscosity (η) and density (ρ) of middle distillate fuels, fatty acid methyl ester fuels (FAME) and mixtures of these using the Stabinger type viscometer.
Click HERE For more information on our SVM 3001
For more information on ISO 23581:2020 please read this link