With funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the University of York is offering two fully-funded postgraduate research programmes as part of the EPSRC Mobility DTP in Leadership and Excellence in Circular, Resource-efficient, Sustainable Manufacturing.
The Mobility DTP launched in 2020 as a pilot programme offering full funding for four years leading to a PhD. Aimed primarily at candidates coming from a background in industry, this DTP has been an innovative and in-depth CPD opportunity for people aspiring to do high-level academic research without having to leave employment to do it.
The DTP has since evolved to create a second fully-funded option – a one-year postgraduate research programme leading to an MSc by Research. This new opportunity has been developed with the help of the university’s industry partners and with feedback from candidates and applicants who expressed a need for a programme that was a shorter time commitment than the full PhD.
The DTP Management Team at York are pleased to now be offering both routes into the DTP and is inviting enquiries and applications. Prospective applicants and their employers can select between either of the following;
- Route 1 – a fully-funded, four-year postgraduate research programme leading to a PhD (one place remaining to start in 2024/25)
- Route 2 – a fully-funded, one-year postgraduate research programme leading to an MSc by Research (to start in 2024/25)
Queries and correspondence about the EPSRC Mobility DTP (both the four-year PhD and the one-year MSc by Research) can be sent to Jen Gibbard, DTP Admin Manager, at chemgrad@york.ac.uk.