Picture credit: University of York

The University of York’s Inclusive Impact Awards are only in their second year but are already shining a light on staff members, students and initiatives working towards purposeful progress in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across the university and its community. The awards event was held at the Guildhall in York on Tuesday 21 November 2023 with the winners announced by Professor Charlie Jeffrey, Vice Chancellor and Professor Kiran Trehan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement.

The Chemistry department was well represented in this year’s nominees including the EPSRC Mobility DTP, a pilot programme designed to address barriers to entry to PhDs for candidates from underrepresented backgrounds and/or non-standard pathways into academia i.e. candidates coming from industry.

The EPSRC Mobility DTP was nominated in the category of Pioneering Inclusivity Initiative. This category recognises projects or initiatives demonstrating a new, or innovative approach to promoting and advancing inclusivity.

The nomination highlighted the EDI values at the core of the Mobility DTP.

Focused on breaking down barriers in traditional routes, the Mobility DTP targets candidates, particularly from industry, who might not have considered a PhD feasible. Rooted in EDI principles, the programme aims to foster a diverse and inclusive research landscape, acknowledging the individual and intersectional challenges candidates face. The DTP involves industry partners, professional bodies, and candidates in co-creating solutions. A key feature is its flexibility, allowing candidates to retain employment while pursuing a fully-funded PhD. The application process emphasises professional achievements, mitigating barriers related to academic history.

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees on their innovations and achievements. The team behind the EPSRC Mobility DTP were honoured to be considered in such a strong field.

Queries and correspondence about the EPSRC Mobility DTP can be sent to Jen Gibbard, DTP Admin Manager, at chemgrad@york.ac.uk.