Building resilience: now is the time to invest in natural hazard risk management
With extreme weather events growing in frequency globally, Chris LeBoeuf, Senior Director of Engineering at ABS Group, details how the chemical industry – including UK-based businesses – can do more to protect their assets and mitigate...
RAS Look Forward to Sharing Knowledge and Experience at ChemUK
As restrictions are lifted, we are looking forward to (safely!) being able to do more of what we do best – getting out there, talking to clients and exploring their sites and systems to...
How public support today can accelerate the sustainable, bio-based supply chains of tomorrow
By Dr Sarah Hickingbottom
General Manager for New Product Development and Stakeholder Relations, Circa Group
For the European Union to meet the climate and biodiversity targets set out in the European Green Deal, it needs bold...
Looking to the Future of DSEAR Compliance
The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) have been around for some time, and those under the scope of them will be well aware of their requirements; demonstrating how the risks associated with...
Confusion over Risk Criteria
The ‘how’ and ‘when’ of risk assessment is widely known and well described, but the ‘so what’ part seems to be applied with much less consistency. To determine if the level of risk is...
UK-based Wilson Bio-Chemical opens autoclave waste plant
UK-based autoclave waste specialist Wilson Bio-Chemical has opened its micro autoclave fibre production plant for turning municipal solid waste (MSW) into biomass fibre that can be converted into chemicals or fuels.
The facility has been developed...
Managing the ’New Normal’
There are very few organisations that can say they are running business as usual during this COVID-19 pandemic, yet the COMAH Competent Authority (CA) has made it clear that regulatory activities will continue, as...
Risk and Tolerability Criteria: Are we comparing apples and pears?
Risk is a somewhat nebular concept, particularly in the context of major accidents. Although we are often driven to try to make it as precise as possible, there are inevitably several assumptions required to...
Skin corrosion is a more serious outcome than irritation, defined as the production of irreversible damage of the skin; namely, visible necrosis of the epidermis and into the dermis, following the application of a...
Many terrorist incidents result from the illegal use of chemicals in home-made explosive devices.
The UK’s Chemical Business Association (CBA) has a reputation for its expertise on measures to improve the security of the international...