As a market leader for 40 years, Anton Paar has built a spotless reputation for robust density and sound velocity measurement, earning the trust of loyal customers worldwide who rely on our high-precision instruments. Our expertise has now culminated in the new DMA 5001 Sound Velocity, the only instrument to combine density and sound velocity measurement in a single instrument. This innovative two-in-one solution always ensures high repeatability and synchronised measurements, delivering fast, accurate results that save both time and resources.

Combine the DMA 5001 Sound Velocity with various modules to create your favourite measurement system, enabling the measurement of more than 10 parameters in one measurement cycle with a single sample. Automate your measurement processes by integrating the Xsample family into your system for high sample throughput.

Additional features such as Filling Check™, U-View™ camera, ThermoBalance™ and viscosity correction guarantee maximum accuracy and traceability of your analysis.

With decades of application experience that incorporates over 30 methods, the DMA 5001 Sound Velocity lends itself perfectly to the chemical industry (e.g. sulfuric acid).

By facilitating rapid concentration determination for two- and three-component solutions, as well as simultaneous density and sound velocity measurements in one instrument, the DMA 5001 Sound Velocity, obtains results in record time.

The DMA 5001 Sound Velocity always provides the best results in the market, with density repeatability up to the 6th digit, sound velocity repeatability up to 0.1 m/s, and reproducibility up to 0.000005 g/cm³ (density), 0.5 m/s (sound velocity). Determine sulfuric acid concentration and acetic acid concentration easily and efficiently, and eliminate temperature drifts with intelligent ThermoBalance™ technology.

With the DMA 5001 Sound Velocity, you’re never far from our extensive network of 85+ service partners and 35+ subsidiaries around the globe that ensure you receive local assistance within the shortest time possible, and in your preferred language.

The DMA: Always Superior. Discover unmatched precision and reliability with the DMA 5001 Sound Velocity.

Read more about the DMA 5001 Sound Velocity, click here.

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