Today, personal care and beauty goes hand in hand with a good balance of both science and nature.

Increasingly savvy consumers expect naturally derived, clean-label, and environmentally friendly products to enhance their personal well-being and they also expect measurable effects based on science and technology.

With this in mind, you naturally want the reputation of your brand to be in the best hands when it comes to reliable and stable product quality, safety and efficacy – that builds consumer trust. Whether researching and developing new technologies and test methods, or managing contamination control in your production operations by  following established good manufacturing practices (GMPs) -  your standards are high.

That’s why you need to be able to rely on a partner who can help you with every challenge you face in your R&D, in process and quality control procedures and who guarantees short reaction times and service with the highest level of competence. We are here to make it simple. Isn’t that beautiful?

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