Apprentice Recruitment Solved

The Technical Apprenticeship Service is a unique, easy-to-use skills service for employers, training providers and apprentices, designed to bring new talent and skills into the industry. We can help employers looking to recruit an...

Developments Involving Demolition

Property owners, developers and facility managers considering structural demolition now need to factor in environmental issues.  A Court of Appeal judgement in March 2011 ruled that demolition activities constituted a “project” under EU Directive 85/337/EEC...

Altremis launch the world’s first Near Miss and Accident Reporting App

Manchester consultancy, and CNW member, Altremis Ltd has launched a revolutionary mobile app to help companies improve safety performance. Sara, or simple accident reporting app, is the world’s first mobile app designed to carry...

2012 Manchester Heat of the Schools’ Analyst Competition

The 2012 Manchester heat of the Schools’ Analyst Competition took place on Tuesday the 24th of April at the Division of Chemistry & Environmental Science at Manchester Metropolitan University. This year, it being the...

STEMBUG – Enhancing access to University capability

STEMBUG1 or STEM Business University Gateway is a response to the need for clear and consistent access to Higher Education skills and capabilities relevant to employers and employees2. Evidence from employers suggests that businesses that...

Reinvigorating Occupational Health

Our 24th April event, which was held in conjunction with CIA Responsible Care, took a closer look at the management of occupational health in the chemical industry and was attended by 50 people. Vicki Beckett...