The Digital Revolution: Why Chemical distributors are turning to digital

The global chemical industry has long been a pioneer in adopting new technologies, from the rise of the internet to big data analytics. But, like many industries, the pace of change has accelerated in...

AI for plant monitoring: platform or purpose-built?

Andrew Normand, UptimeAI partnership lead at Encora Energy, discusses which approach could be the right fit for your business. Industry 4.0 is the watchword for the fourth industrial revolution that’s taking place right now. Nearly every...

Industrial automation makes way for information automation

Collecting, analysing and extracting value from data is the next step in optimising industrial processes. But it’s still a sadly underutilised process, says Jason Chester, Director of Global Channel Programs, InfinityQS. Automation has been the...

A warning to the chemical industry: harness the power of digital tech or be...

For years, chemical manufacturers and distributors enjoyed a relatively stable industry. However, the last two years have forced chemical companies into a choice: use digital technologies to drive growth or be left with an...

Evonetix demonstrates novel enzymatic DNA synthesis method

By Dr Raquel Sanches-Kuiper, VP of Technology at Evonetix Proprietary thermally-controlled synthesis chemistry will enable production of high quality DNA at scale, making it a key milestone in the development of Evonetix’s benchtop DNA synthesis platform. EVONETIX...

Made Smarter helps SMEs embrace Chemistry 4.0

The chemical sector is experiencing a tectonic shift towards automation of processes and products. However, this presents barriers for SMEs, from finance and a lack of digital skills, to uncertainty over where to start...

AI and Cloud accelerate closed loop drug discovery

A collaboration between IBM Research and Arctoris is investigating the application of AI and automation to accelerate closed loop molecule discovery. IBM Research has developed RXN for Chemistry, an online platform leveraging state-of-the-art Natural Language...

The future potential of process control systems

By Matt Hale, International Sales & Marketing Director, HRS Heat Exchangers Thanks to developments such as Industry 4.0, digitisation, and the cloud, together with improvements in process control and communication technology, it is easier than...

Investment in process control can achieve sustainability goals

Investment in process control and smart digital technologies can help brownfield sites achieve production efficiencies and achieve sustainability goals, says Steve Leech, Business Manager, Process Control Systems UK & Ireland, Siemens Digital Industries In March...

The Lab-of-the-Future

Laboratory Digitalisation – “a paradigm shift in productivity or just another failed experiment?” Open any scientific magazine or online resource and we are presented with articles about the Lab-of-the-Future, connected laboratories, the Internet of Things...