Effective HAZID – it’s in the psychology

In the previous edition, we wrote about making the most of hazard identification in order to facilitate effective risk management, including use of a team with an independent chair to stimulate creative thinking. This...

An HSE perspective on the risk management of hazardous substances

It is just over 40 years since the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (HASWA) received Royal Assent. The Act provided the regulatory framework for workplace health and safety in Great Britain and...

Making the most of hazard identification

A thorough hazard identification process is the foundation of good risk management, without which, risk may be missed, misunderstood and mis-managed. But is hazard identification becoming too boring? There are a number of established hazard...

Process Modelling improves plant safety

Dynamic simulation can provide a way to document and understand the complex risks of process plant, while paying for itself in improvements. The first step of risk assessment is by now very familiar to all...

2017 will see over 8000 delegates go through the Cogent Skills Process Safety Management...

Cogent Skills sits at the centre of the science industries and supports all levels of vocational training, qualifications and skills development across a wide range of industry sectors. One of the key focuses for...

Inspectors to check safety procedures

Enforcement authorities in the European Union have announced that they will inspect how safety information on hazardous chemicals is compiled, communicated and observed in the workplace. The EU says that the main aim of the...