The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the Commission on the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EU-ON) have signed an agreement designed to provide better access to information about nanomaterials.

The Observatory will bring together a wide range of data generated by EU legislation regulating the safe use of nanomaterials, including in the fields of REACH, biocides and cosmetics.

Observatory staff will initially gather together information from national inventories, research projects and market studies and will make it available to everyone from the general public to policy-makers, industry, NGOs and workers.

Geert Dancet, Executive Director of ECHA, said: “There is already quite a lot of information on nanomaterials available. The challenge has been to navigate and find information that is easily understandable and relevant for a wider audience. Our goal is for EU-ON to become a trustworthy source of information that contributes to a well-balanced public debate on nanomaterials.”