CBA commits significant resources to engaging with organisations focused on awareness-raising and capacity building by responding to invitations to speak at international conferences throughout Europe, the Middle and Far East. India, Pakistan, and North Africa.
Delegates have attended these events representing Government Departments, national Customs, Security Services, academia, and a wide range of industrial sectors – from manufacturing and distribution, to storage and transport
Assisting in awareness raising and capacity building in other countries not only helps to secure the domestic market but also to align wherever possible regulations and systems in other countries helping to both harmonise and stabilise export requirements.
As a result, CBA has developed a continuing working relationship with all the following organisations that currently sponsor security-led initiatives around the world
United States Department of State
The State Department is the Washington-based federal executive responsible for carrying out US foreign policy and international relations.
G7 Global Partnership
The G7 consists of the world’s seven largest economies – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the USA. The G7 Global Partnership is an international initiative with 31 active members aimed at preventing the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons and related materials.
Interpol – ChemEx & CRIMP programmes
Headquartered in Lyon, France, Interpol is an inter-governmental organization with 194 member countries. It shares data on crimes and criminals, and offers a range of technical, operational support, and chemical security programmes.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
The OPCW is an inter-governmental organisation created to implement the 1997 Chemicals Weapon Convention and focuses on the permanent elimination of chemical weapons. It has 193 member states and is based in The Hague, Netherlands.
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
UNIDIR is an autonomous agency of the United Nations established in 1980 to focus on international security and disarmament. Through its research projects, publications, meetings, and expert networks, UNIDIR promotes dialogue on the disarmament and security priorities.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Based in Vienna, Austria, UNODC was established to help the Untied Nations provide a coordinated response to the interrelated issues of illicit trafficking in drugs, crime prevention and criminal justice, international terrorism, and political corruption.
World Customs Organisation (WCO) – Programme Global Shield
WCO’s Global Shield Programme began in 2010 to counter the increased use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) that are the most prevalent form of explosives used by terrorists. Global Shield is a partnership between the WCO, Interpol, and UNODC and monitors the common chemical precursors that could be used in IEDs