Free Webinar: Turkey KKDIK – Preparing for Registration
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022 Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
In Turkey, most companies have now submitted pre-registrations for their substances and many are now undertaking SIEF communication and preparing for the registration deadline of 31 December 2023.
All substances on the market at or above 1 tonne/year are expected to be registered. For a number of pre-registered chemicals, Lead Registrants are now available, however, there are still a significant number of substances where no LR has come forward.
The industry is generally expected to make use of existing EU REACH Registration data but preparing Lead Registrations follows a different process and one of the key hurdles is data sharing. In addition, the dossier must be built in Turkish, within the KKS system, and reviewed (along with the CSR) by a chemical assessment expert.
This webinar will be useful for companies wishing to understand the KKDIK registration process and prepare for the 31 December 2023 deadline.
The webinar will cover
- Introduction to Turkey KKDIK
- Next steps after pre-registration?
- Do I need to register?
- What are my volumes?
- Substance Characterisation
- SIEF Communication and data sharing
- Process of Lead and Joint Registration
- Latest updates on KKS
This webinar will benefit
Non-Turkish chemical manufacturers and formulators
- Turkish importers and downstream users
- Consortia and data owners
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About Yordas Group
Yordas is a leading international provider of scientific and technical services, regulatory advice, sustainability services and training to industry in the fields of chemicals management and risk assessment. Originally founded to provide commercial services relating to the EU REACH regulation, we now provide registration and notification services, as well as global regulatory compliance and chemicals management support for hundreds of clients in markets around the globe.
Yordas delivers innovative solutions for business, industry and government across a broad range of industries. Our strapline, ‘Business through Science’, reflects our drive to underpin our work with exceptional technical and scientific expertise. We offer a broad range of services that have developed from our roots in chemicals regulatory management and product stewardship. From hazard communications, scientific analysis and Green Chemistry to software development, risk/hazard assessments and quality management systems – we can help you to work towards a better, safer world for all