For any chemical manufacturing firm to maximize profit margins, it is crucial to have effective controls in place over the process, quality, and delivery of their products.

Traceability programs can play an integral part in this process by locating problems (and potential issues) with product quality at the earliest stage possible.

Chemical manufacturers are often concerned about ensuring product quality and safety for the final product delivered to customers. However, most overlook “outbound traceability” – the complex process of monitoring raw materials as they transform into a sellable product.

It may not be required, but it can put chemical manufacturers ahead of the competition – and build a better relationship between a business and its clients during each step of the supply chain process.

Chemical manufacturers can trace their products back to their origins by integrating data from multiple sources, including manufacturing processes, shipping manifests, inventory records and more. This information can be gathered using software that integrates with your existing systems or by using an integrated platform that does all of this for you on one platform (like ours!).

Once you have all your data in one place, you can leverage it to:

Identify potential problems before they occur

Traceability allows companies to track their products through every phase of production, making sure that each product meets all safety standards and specifications. In addition, chemical traceability helps companies meet legal requirements, such as those set out by the UK REACH legislation.

Total inventory visibility, quality assurance and traceability

Chemical traceability solutions provide full inventory visibility, quality, and traceability across your entire supply chain. They enable you to track chemical products from their source through all stages of production, distribution, and use in the supply chain.

Monitor environmental compliance – including green chemistry practices

Chemical traceability is the process of tracking a chemical from its origin to its destination. It is often used in conjunction with green chemistry practices, which are concerned with reducing the environmental impact of chemicals and manufacturing processes.

Green chemistry is an approach to chemical manufacturing that emphasizes the design and use of chemicals that are safer for people and the environment. It considers both human and ecological health, so it’s important that manufacturers know exactly what they’re using if they want to meet regulatory requirements for green chemistry practices.

Enhance customer service by providing real-time answers to questions about ingredients and suppliers

Enhances customer service by providing real-time answers to questions about ingredients and suppliers. By providing real-time information on what chemicals are contained in your products, you can avoid problems with customers who want more information about the materials they use or are exposed to at work or home.

Chemical traceability can provide this information in real time, which reduces costs associated with handling complaints from customers and improves customer satisfaction levels by eliminating guesswork from the customer service process.

Chemical tracing systems like the one offered by Signum Solutions can help manufacturers boost profits by maintaining more control over their production processes. Tracking chemicals from the source to all customers helps you maintain control over your supply chain.

Although it is a complex project, the cost and effort are worth it for the value of increased profits, customer satisfaction and brand reputation. For more information on how the right software solution can help with your traceability, then contact us.