Stormy Cloud Nature Backdrop. Sunset Stormy Cloudscape

The American Chemical Society (ACS) hosted the finals for the Chemistry Champions competition at its national meeting in Philadelphia. Mallory Hinks, a graduate student at the University of California, Irvine, was voted the 2016 Chemistry Champion after delivering a presentation about how the color of aerosols in the atmosphere can affect climate.

Runner-up was Chemistry Champion was Olga Zamudio, a professional chemist based in Vancouver, Canada,

The other finalists were

• John Gleeson, graduate student at University College Dublin, Ireland

• Nathan Turner, undergraduate student at Louisiana Tech University, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

• The four sem-ifinalists, who received science communications training in June 2016 along with the finalists, were

• Robin DeClercq, undergraduate student at Kalamazoo Valley Community College

• Amanda Pluntze, chemistry professional from Bend, Oregon

• Melanie Swannell, undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

• Wilson “Will” Shafer, Ph.D., researcher at the Center for Applied Energy Research in Lexington, Kentucky

The scheme sets out to encourage the young scientists of tomorrow.